Andrew Langer On "Ticket Freedom" And The Institute For Liberty
Views: 896
"At the very least, if I buy a ticket I should be able to give it to you." says Andrew Langer, President of the Institute For Liberty.
Reason's Matt Welch caught up with Andrew at Freedom Fest to discuss how IFL is fighting for ticket property rights and small buisness competition in the internet age.
Held each July in Las Vegas, Freedom Fest is attended by around 2,000 limited-government enthusiasts and libertarians. Reason TV spoke with over two dozen speakers and attendees and will be releasing interviews over the coming weeks. Go here for an ever-growing playlist of this year's interviews.
About 4.30 minutes.
Produced by Sharif Matar. Camera by Paul Detrick and Tracy Oppenheimer.
Go to for downloadable versions of the video.