Moms of 3rd graders voice out opinions regarding a teacher who pushes for gender orientation studies in her class
Views: 722
Simple solution. End public education. Anything run by the government will be politicized and used exclusively to serve government interests or the interests of some partisan group within the government, at the expense of serving the public. If you want your child to have an education you have to pay for them to have an education. If you abdicate that responsibility to someone who sells you the idea of access to a free government based education then it doesn't matter how many taxes you pay, your kid will not get an education. They will get whatever teaching is most convenient to the people running that program, plus a little bit of real education to say they did their job.
If you don't like the idea of paying taxes for your kid's education plus money for their actual education, then the answer is to stop requiring people to pay taxes for education that is just a government indoctrination program. No amount of political movement or grass roots efforts will solve the problem. The structure is want to be misused and so it will be misused as long as it exists, in one way or another. If it wasn't grooming kids to contemplate being trans, it was grooming kids to accept violence of the state being used against drug users, or grooming them to accept our wars. The education system has never not groomed.