Brian Doherty on Ron Paul's Revolution
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"Ron Paul invented the notion of a populist, activist, modern movement thats transpartisan" says Reason's Brian Doherty
Brian Doherty sat down with ReasonTV to talk about his new book and how Ron Paul has changed politics in America. Doherty wrote about the evolution of the libertarian movement in his 2007 book "Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement". He has been following and writing about Ron Paul and his movement since then. Doherty examines Ron Paul's influence in a new book out May 15, "Ron Paul's rEVOLution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired".
Brian Doherty "documents the meteoric rise of Paul from relative obscurity to national prominence, and examines the fanatically devoted political movement that has arisen around him."
Doherty spoke with ReasonTV in January while covering the Iwoa caucus to talk about Ron Paul's campaign and the movement that has been built around him primarily over the past four years.
Approximately 3:30 minutes.
Produced by Sharif Matar
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