"We're spending more and getting less," says former San Diego Councilman Carl DeMaio, the director of Reason Foundation's new California Reform Initiative, an attempt to save the Golden State from bankruptcy and decline. "If you don't reform government pensions, no tax increase is going to be big enough, no service cut will be deep enough, to avoid bankruptcy."
During a wide-ranging conversation with Adrian Moore, Reason Foundation's Director of Policy Adrian Moore, DeMaio talked about public employees retiring with pensions equal to 129 percent of their best salary years, drawing pensions at age 31, receiving "scooter pay" while working as meter maids, and much more.
This event was filmed live at Reason's Los Angeles studios on February 19, 2013. For more information and more videos, go to
http://reason.com/reasontv.About 30 minutes. Produced by Paul Detrick.